Windows restoration Kelshall

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Windows restoration Kelshall

Sash windows restoration Kelshall

windows restoration Kelshall

In this project, we revisit the multiple aspects of this fantastic job in Kelshall, Hertfordshire. We were invited to this client’s home to discuss their project’s ambitions and assess the needs of this charming property. All work was completed within February earlier this year (2020).

box sash window renovation
casement windows repair
casement window repair

The project overview

Our comprehensive assessment highlighted the work to be done – by listening to what your buildings tell us; our restoration plans can respond and deliver!

The damage to address:

  • Main sash windows – extensive rot to sills and bottom rails
  • Bay windows – severe weather damage; structural weakness; rotten beading
  • Other sashes – weather damage; localised rot; worn paintwork
  • Main doors – exposed woodwork; weather damage
  • French patio doors – minor timber damage; flaking paintwork
  • Garage doors – timber rot; structural issues
  • Building façade – damaged timber cladding
  • Soffits and Gables – loose-fitting; weathered paintwork; various damage
window renovation
window restoration project
windows restoration
window restoration

Before Restoration

restoration services in Hertfordshire

After restoration

sash windows repair in Hertfordshire

The project plan

In the run-up to this project, we had some great discussions with our customers. They had strong visions of reinstating the original beauty into their property. We worked together to bring these into a tangible plan – bridging the gap from dream to reality!

This was a full home care-package and all aspects were to be brought up to their new splendour within the same project. We knew the results of this restoration would be exciting!

Let’s take a look back at the work as it happened…

The restoration work

  • We conducted sash window renovation: tackled the main sashes and areas of extensive rot damage by stripping things right back. Our team covers all aspects of sash windows repair in Hertfordshire, from comprehensive servicing to premium glazing upgrades, advanced draught-proof retrofitting and immaculate start-to-finish redecorations.
  • Using Accoya® timber as our replacement timber of choice ensures wonderful strength and durability. Accoya®’s incredible properties massively reduce shrinkage, warping and bacterial risks.
  • Vulnerable areas on all windows were also stripped back, cleaned up, and upgraded with protective Tricoya® coatings.
  • The soffits across the building’s extension were removed and replaced in their entirety – giving uniform strength and a crisp, clean solution to the uneven damage beforehand.
  • Doors underwent spot repairs, and reinforcements to areas weakened following years of service. The characterful garage doors had similar spot repairs and were stripped back, ready for painting.
  • Rotten sections of cladding were removed, and adjoining sections were carefully checked. Replacements were made to match in size and detail and securely installed, ready for decoration!
  • Finally, the bay windows had replacement sections of timber installed, and every window on the property was given a final check. Additional sealants, putties, functional corrections, and improvements were all made at this stage.

The finishing touches

With all primary restoration works successfully complete, the Scott James team could strip back old paint, clean up the remainder of the timbers and prep everything for painting.

Using our innovative paint spray method, with high precision and premium paints, we multi-coated every timber detail needing fresh, thick, even coats of new aesthetic vitality!

Restoration project completed

This project provided the complete package: windows, doors, external cladding and another happy customer with a beautifully rejuvenated, authentically charming home!

Our happy clients loved seeing the process unfold, and we are always pleased to instil each new customer with a reassuring trust in the Scott James way of working.

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