Fraud Blocker Retrofit double-glazing Essex - Reglazing timber windows in Essex

Retrofit double-glazing Essex

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Retrofit double-glazing Essex

Essex has seen a surge in double-glazing retrofit projects in recent years, and this is just one of them.

Reglazing wooden doors with special shape double glazing

The project presented a unique challenge as it required the reglazing of multiple doors. One of the French doors, in particular, needed an arch double-glazing unit installed.

The photo below shows the door that has been double-glazed. It looks no different, but it now has glass that is eight times more energy-efficient than single glazing.

On the scale of energy efficiency, it will be rated as A.

double glazing existing wooden doors essex
double glazing timber doors essex

The restoration that comes hand in hand with double glazing retrofit

As with any double-glazing retrofit project, we also restored the window frames.

Our company specializes in sash window restoration services. We offer a standalone restoration service, separate from our double-glazing retrofit services.

If you’re not quite ready to reglaze your windows but still want to refurbish them, feel free to give us a call.

window frame condition
double glazing wooden windows essex

Did you know that sash window reglazing is actually more common than casement window reglazing?

However, sash, casement, French doors or cottage windows are all realizable.

casement windows double glazing retrofit essex

The final result

Windows are reglazed and look as good as new after restoration and two coats of paint.

But it’s the reglazing and vacuum glass that make those windows a value gainer for this beautiful property.

Thanks to the new glazing the EPC rating of this property has improved and home owners will start to enjoy a higher standard of living thanks to thermal efficiency of vacuum glazing.

timber windows double glazing retrofit essex

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